Awesummit2014:Telling Our Story
Attendees: Dave (london), Nikki (Seattle), Lee-Sean (NYC), Andrew (Liverpool), Jared (Palm Beach), John (Sarnia), Tung (New Orleans), Christina (NYC), Yasmin (Atlanta)
- John: Interested in keeping track of history and stories from a trustee perspective and a grantee perspective. Worried that we're losing track of history.
- Jared: This could be a successful mainstream book. Could be good lead generation.
- Nikki: We should be compiling some "best of"s - useful for giving talks and also for modeling best projects for new/struggling projects.
- Lee-Sean: There's a lot of oral stories that get passed down--how do we capture those?
- Yasmin: A timeline
What's the goal of improving our storytelling?
- Dave: cultural shift in how people think about changing the world
- Nikki: Improving the quality of applications and trustees
- Tung: Common assets for each chapter to pull from
- Lee-Sean: General public profile to get sponsorships, speaking engagements, raise awareness in general.
- Jared: Break down the messaging for different groups.
- Yasmin: Has there been an overall strategy to push Awesome Foundation out there?
* Christina: The original intent behind the open-ended nature of our messaging is to not scare people away by providing too many examples of what to do or not to do.
Balancing inspiration vs. scaring people away
- Tung: the different chapters exist in different capacities.
- Dave: how do we tell the full spectrum of the stories, not just the best of?
* Tung: Website was a barrier for New Orleans; when we went and interviewed people, we got lots of great ideas.
- Lee-Sean: Do you fund ideas or projects? Projects that we like and just need an extra bump, or actual things that are happening?
- Awesome ambassador idea - what to expect. A couple of chapters have Awesome Hours, but it's a lot of work.
* Tung: Probably 40% of applications have been coached or advised by a trustee. * Nikki: We work hard on messaging what we prefer to fund, on the website. But most applicants just go straight to the application. * Tung: could you force people to go through the chapter page--adding a little bit of friction? * chapter page is not a great place to talk about values.
Book of Awesome
- What are the main narratives?
- Yasmin: The story of awesome is still evolving. What will help is getting us out there. I think we need a 2-minute elevator pitch.
* Dave: I always tell it through stories.
- How do we decide what stories to tell?
- Three main parts: philosophy; history; projects.
* Projects: we may just need someone to pick these. The tyranny of photogenic projects. * Philosophy: the hard part.
- What are the top points we want to tell?
- What's happening with all the chapters? We need a common something to keep building culture.
* What's really special with this community is that there's a clear central premise-10 people, $1000-but every chapter gets to define what it means for them to be a chapter. * Do people really care?
- Episode-based serial? Like every 3 months there's a small publication.
Audiences for the Awesome Story
* Trustees * Potential applicants * Press/partners * Chapters * Other allies / movements
Potential Outputs: - Book proposal for traditional publishing? Crowdfund projects? - "Best of" collections. - Chapter-specific messaging on the application form. - 2-minute elevator pitch.
- Write a creative brief tomorrow.
- About Us
High-Level Questions
- Who are our audiences?
- What's relevant to each audiences?