Resources and References

From AwesomeWiki

Design References


  • We generally use Futura as our font but feel free to use whatever you'd like!


  • #ED136C Kelly (Awesome Buffalo): "Jess and I pulled all the pinks in use together after the DC Summit and dug through what seemed to be most frequent, best with black, and friendly online"



Postcards & Posters



Business Cards

Digital Badges

Social Media


Giant Check


Homepage World Pixel Map

AF Austin Postcards and Business Cards

The Austin chapter really liked the SF postcards and some of the previous business card designs, so we made multiple versions so we could mix and match fronts and backs using both high-quality Moo prints and less-expensive Vistaprint prints. Here's a PDF preview of the six card designs. We've provided the original Illustrator files in case other chapters want to just change the chapter location and URL to get started on their own. If you don't have an artist you work with, we hired local Austin artist Paul Ahern to make these for us.

Institute on Higher Awesome Studies

Report Templates

Other Random Stuff

Special Initiatives


Video Footage

  • Ottawa Summit (available on a Team Drive; ask Avi or Nicole to get access) (please credit Andrea Conte)
  • Seattle Summit

Ongoing Projects / Teams